Iconic Mom’s Cafe in Sooke up for sale and emotions are mixed

Iconic Mom's Cafe in Sooke up for sale and emotions are mixed

WATCH: It’s been a landmark in Sooke for decades. Mom’s Cafe, famous for their pies and home-style cooking, is up for sale along with its adjacent lot. Both properties are zoned for condos. And as Luisa Alvarez tells us, many have mixed feelings about the possibility of it closing forever but the possibilities of what it could become.

With its light blue exterior and white window frames, it may look simple on the outside, but Mom’s Cafe is a landmark in Sooke and has been for over 50 years.

“We get people from Europe that know about it and they stop in here. It’s just known. I don’t know. It’s good food and a lot of it,” said owner Tom Dee.

With its famous pies, home-style cooking and friendly faces, it’s a favourite to many and keeps locals coming back.

“I’ve eaten here happily every weekend for like seven years,” said visitor Kecia Dussoult.

But now it’s up for sale.

“Hopefully whoever buys it will keep it as Mom’s Cafe,” said visitor Heather Nuttall.

Dee, who is a retired engineer, has had it for the past sixteen years but says he’s now ready to embark on his journey of actual retirement.

“I’m 80-years-old. It’s time to quit,” said Dee.

The sale includes the business, buildings, and land listed at $810,000. The adjoining lot is also being offered as a package for an additional $375,000. Together both lots make up just over half an acre and they’re already zoned for condos.

“I’d like to see a condo with this underneath. It would be a good combination,” said Dee.

Glenda Tyacke has been working at Mom’s Cafe for the past six years and she’s hoping whoever buys leaves at least part of it as a restaurant especially since it’s her job on the line.

“We are all moms. We are homeowners and yeah definitely we are concerned about that. We just hope whoever buys it keeps it,” said Tyacke.

But with the growing population in Sooke, a new development in its spot is also alluring.

“We do need affordable housing here as well and we want our downtown to grow so maybe this would be a good area. I’ll have to think about that one,” said Sooke Coun. Brenda Parkinson.

In the meantime, those who love Mom’s Cafe are enjoying it because once it sells it could mean the end of an era.

Luisa AlvarezLuisa Alvarez

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