‘I thought he was a goner’: Vicious dog attack in Chemainus leaves senior dog with serious injuries

'I thought he was a goner': Vicious dog attack in Chemainus leaves senior dog with serious injuries

WATCH: A vicious attack in Chemainus has left a small dog with significant injuries and an owner extremely angry. Aaron Guillen has more on the traumatic and terrifying experience. WARNING: this story has graphic content that may not be suitable for all viewers.

Normally, Hershey, the cocker spaniel mix, is running around his owner’s house.

But the 13-year-old dog is now recovering from a frightening attack that almost cost him his life.

“I thought he was a goner, I really did,” says Wendy Warner, Hershey’s owner.

Last week, the Chemainus woman was out on a walk on Cook Street when a neighbour’s dog suddenly came running over and bit Hershey around the neck. 

“That pit bull grabbed Hershey and was just shaking him like a ragdoll,”says Warner.

Finally, a neighbour came to help and they were able to pry the attacking dog off.

“She had jumped on that pitbull at the start and trying to tighten his collar so he let go,” says Warner.

But by the time the attacking dog’s owner arrived, Hershey was in bad shape.

He was rushed to the vet and received three sutures,  to close the wound in his neck. 

Coastal Animal Services says Hershey is one of the lucky ones. 

“We’ve seen worse,” says Sue Stockand, director at Coastal Animal Services of BC. 

“We’ve had three dogs killed by other dogs so far this year in Campbell River.” 

The owners of the dog who attacked Hershey are now facing a big fine. However, the clinic  Hershey was rushed to says the owners of the attacking dog were remorseful and didn’t hesitate to pay the hefty bill.

“They’ll be looking at a fine in the amount of $475 dollars,” says Stockand.

The dog’s owners will also have to keep it muzzled and at least 30 metres away from playgrounds, parks, and dog areas.

Additionally, they have to put up a sign letting neighbours know that there’s an aggressive dog on their property. 

“In this particular case, the owners of the dog have taken full responsibility,” says Stockand.

“They’ve put extra latches on the doors and they’ve taken those extra precautions.” 

But Warner says paying for the bill isn’t enough.

“In my opinion, he has to be put down,” she says.

“There’s lots of little children on this street and lots of little dogs.” 

As for Warner, she’ll continue to nurse her companion back to health, hoping that one day, they can return to regular walks around the block.

Aaron GuillenAaron Guillen

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