Huu-ay-aht First Nation votes 70% in favour of Sarita LNG

Huu-ay-aht First Nation votes 70% in favour of Sarita LNG

Press conference will be held Monday in Vancouver to release more details. 

The electronic vote was held Saturday and the band of about 750 members voted 70% in favour of moving forward with the LNG plant to be built at Sarita Bay near Bamfield.

The site of the possible future natural gas liquefaction and export facility is about 10km up the Alberni inlet from Bamfield.

The area’s flat land and deep water make it the perfect site according to the Huuayaht First Nation and partner Steelhead LNG.

511 people were eligible to vote.

Chief Councillor Robert Dennis Sr. says “This is an exciting day for Huuayaht. This vote shows that our community is united and ready to sit at the table with Steelhead LNG as partners as this project moves forward.”

The vote is being called a “game changer” and a “huge step forward for our people.”

The $30billion dollar project is still a long way from reality with numerous hurdles ahead including a pipeline that would have to be built from northern British Columbia to the Sarita Bay site.

However the vote is significant because it is the earliest point in a project development that a BC First Nations community has voted to approve an LNG facility or pipeline project.

A press conference is planned for Monday morning in Vancouver with the Huuayaht First Nation and Steelhead LNG. 

Stay tuned to CHEK News Monday for further details. 

Dean StoltzDean Stoltz

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