Huge outpouring of support for kids of striking WFP workers

Huge outpouring of support for kids of striking WFP workers
WatchAn overwhelming response of generosity from CHEK News viewers after a striking Western Forest Products worker shared his family's story with CHEK News.

When striking Western Forest Products worker Dale Marsh revealed on CHEK News that a four-month-long strike was devastating his family financially and he couldn’t put his son in his favorite sport of hockey this fall, he said it hurt him deeply.

“And to sit there and say sorry I can’t do, it killed me as a father,” told CHEK News October 26th.

“It’s heartbreaking,” said his wife Dianna Marsh.

“A 13-year-old shouldn’t have to be worried about finances,” she said.

It touched a nerve with our viewers and offers of help and donations to fund 13-year-old Randy Marsh’s hockey poured in.

“There has been an overwhelming response,” said Dale Marsh.

“From the bottom of my heart I’m thankful to everybody. My son’s able to play hockey and his dream has come true this year,” he said.

“Thank you, so much,” said Dale’s son Randy Marsh.

Yet the Marshes know there are thousands of more kids of striking WFP workers like Randy out there.

“There’s lots of us,” said Dianna Marsh.

So immediately the family wanted to help them too by sharing donations coming in with others needing it.

“They need help and that’s what we should be doing,” said Dale Marsh.

So the Marshes have joined forces with Red Arrow Brewing Company in Duncan to hold a benefit event to ensure kids affected by the WFP strike get to attend their sports.

“The struggles that they are facing are immense,” said Red Arrow Brewing Company’s Jeremy Horgan. “And massive and the number of families that are facing this are huge.”

“I mean it’s scary actually,” said Julie Grimmson, also of Red Arrow Brewing.

“Especially for such a long period of time,” she said.

The fundraiser will be a beer and burger, with free food for striking forestry families on Nov. 7 at Red Arrow in Duncan. All money raised will go to fund sports for the children of striking workers.

“It’s all going go to kids that are unable to play right now,” said Dale Marsh. “Because of the financial burden of the strike and everything.”

And with no end to the strike in sight, donations of used sporting gear will also be accepted to keep kids playing no matter what financial pressures are hanging heavy at home.

Skye RyanSkye Ryan

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