How Islanders are showing love on Mother’s Day amid the pandemic

How Islanders are showing love on Mother's Day amid the pandemic
WatchThis weekend is Mother's Day, where we celebrate the pure love of mothers everywhere. But how can we do that in a pandemic? As Rebecca Lawrence reports, there are options out there.

This weekend is Mother’s Day, where we celebrate the pure love of mothers everywhere.

But how can we do that in a pandemic?

“Well I think it’s just that whole thing, no one’s going to be going out for brunch are they?,” said Mary-Jane Posno, owner of Poppies Floral Art in Victoria.

Blossoms are one way to send love from a distance, but if you want to send some pretty petals, you better get on it.

Many florists across town are sold out, with no room for new orders.

“Mother’s Day is our biggest overall holiday of the year, so we always know we’re going to be busy. But this year; exceptional. Absolutely unprecedented,” said Posno.

While hibiscuses are not the same as hugs, embraces are off the table for now, as per the orders of Dr. Bonnie Henry, the provincial health officer.

“Particularly if your mother is older, if she’s awaiting surgery has any underlying illnesses, avoid that close physical contact,” said Dr. Henry. “If she’s not part of your household right now . . .  this is a great time to spend time with her outdoors, keeping your distance.”

Many mothers are our essential service and health care workers, and will not be able to spend time with their children this weekend, as they battle COVID-19 on the front lines.

“My girls know that I’m needed at work and that there are other people that need me other than them,” explained Victoria ER doctor Bri Budlovsky.

“Especially now with the world looking so different, they value that as important and I’m trying to show them that sometimes making some sacrifices and missing things is the right thing to do, and I’ll celebrate with them after.”

The doctor has some advice for moms during this difficult time.

“It’s important to be forgiving with yourself to focus your energy on just spending time with your kids and doing your best, I think all moms are feeling a huge sense of burden as they try to navigate through this,” said Dr. Budlovsky.

If you’re looking for virtual ways to send some love to moms working on the front lines, you can visit the Victoria Hospital Foundations website to send notes of love and encouragement that will go directly to health care staff.

“You can send a note to all of the moms working in our local hospitals to show them how much you are and how thankful you are,” said Avery Brohman, executive director of the VHF.

You can also donate to the Victoria Hospital Foundation’s latest campaign to help create Vancouver Island’s first High Acuity unit at the Royal Jubilee Hospital.

While many people might feel disappointed, as they do not get to embrace their moms on Sunday, technology is making it a little more manageable.

“If you think back to years gone by, where people only had letter writing, I think we’re in a pretty good position these days,” laughed Posno.

Although a message, or video chat is not the same as a hug, it will just have to do for now.

Rebecca LawrenceRebecca Lawrence

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