Exploring John Horgan and Andrew Weaver’s deep roots on Vancouver Island

Exploring John Horgan and Andrew Weaver's deep roots on Vancouver Island

WATCH: Calvin To spent the day looking into the pasts of two men who could determine the future of B.C.

B.C.’s newest political power duo has deep roots on Vancouver Island.

John Horgan, the province’s presumptive premier-elect, graduated from Reynolds Secondary School in Saanich in 1977. 

He went from being a troubled teen to becoming class president, writing in his yearbook, “You wouldn’t worry about what people think of you if you knew how seldom they do.” Ironically, that couldn’t be more untrue now.

Just days after the 2017 election, Horgan received the school’s highest honour, the silver scarf.

“Our students will definitely look up to this as something that is attainable for them and the connection that they’re able to make,” Reynolds principal Tom Aerts said.  “But I think that it’s good for the province and I think it’s good for all high school students in Victoria.”

Weaver graduated from Oak Bay High School in 1979. 

Later, he became a professor at the University of Victoria.

Climate researcher Edward Wiebe took a class from Weaver as an undergraduate student. He says the experience inspired him to pursue a career studying climate change. 

The two also worked together setting up a series of weather stations across Vancouver Island. 

He says Weaver was a demanding but personable leader.

“He’s tenacious,” Wiebe said. “I can’t imagine he’ll ever back down from any difficult decision or confrontational opponents.”

The pair of homegrown leaders is now positioned to make Vancouver Island B.C.’s heart of power. Local leaders say it could make a big difference if an NDP government supported by the Green Party were to be formed.

“An MLA or an MP are really the eyes and ears of our community at the legislature or parliament,” Oak Bay Mayor Nils Jensen said. “And the more connected they are in those places, the better it is for our community.”

Calvin ToCalvin To

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