Horgan unveils satellite office for government employees in West Shore

Horgan unveils satellite office for government employees in West Shore
The government will be opening its first mobile office in 2020.

Some provincial employees will be able to cut out their commute before the end of 2020

Premier John Horgan unveiled a new mobile office pilot program for government workers who live in the West Shore. The 11,000-square-ft. office space will fit approximately 100 people and be located in the Westhills Building in Langford.

The province says the aim of its first-ever mobile project is to help reduce traffic congestion as well as eliminate time spent commuting for its employees.

“Making life better for people and tackling climate change means rethinking how we work and get around,” said Premier John Horgan in a press release. “After years of demand, our government is moving forward with this pilot project – the first of what we hope will turn into more mobile work spaces, allowing people to live and work in their community and reducing our emissions to help build a brighter future for British Columbians.”

According to the province, more than 2,000 government employees — about 20 per cent of the provincial public service in Victoria — live in Colwood, Langford, View Royal, Metchosin, Sooke and Highlands.

With only space for 100, the office is being launched as a pilot, with the goal of expanding the model to other offices in the future. Design plans will have office space for about 100 workers, bike storage and showers that promote active transportation options for the ride into work.

“Our government is focused on doing things differently to improve the lives of British Columbians,” said Selina Robinson, Minister of Citizens’ Services in the release. “One way we’re doing this is by modernizing the way government operates. This collaborative workspace is about giving people the flexibility they need to create a better work-life balance, while supporting innovation across the BC Public Service and helping to attract and retain new talent.”

The province is emphasizing that with less cars on the road, it will not only ease commute times, but support to government’s goal to lower greenhouse gas emissions by reducing traffic idling.

The space still needs to be renovated, but is expected to be ready for use by the fall of 2020.



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