Growing up: Proposed Langford condos could become the city’s tallest buildings

Growing up: Proposed Langford condos could become the city's tallest buildings
WatchTwo developments have been proposed in Langford that if approved would see four towers, with the smallest being 18-storeys, constructed in the city. But, as Hannah Lepine tells us, not all are on board.

Rezoning applications have been proposed to Langford City council that would build the tallest towers the city has seen so far.

The first proposal from Langford Gateway Development is between Peatt Road and Sunderland Rd. The 18 and 22-storey buildings would make up approximately 456 residential units, as well as ground-floor commercial units, and a daycare.

“We have to look into all different types of housing and going higher now is the only option we have in our downtown core,” says Langford Mayor, Stewart Young.

Just down the road at Peatt and Scafe Road, another two towers have been proposed by Jagpal Developments, one of which is 24-storeys high. This development would see 269 condos in one tower, and 271 units in another 18-storey building. A daycare is proposed along with the ground level with 346 parking stalls provided.

The mayor says these developments align with the city’s need for affordable housing and that the city has done well developing rental properties but they want more home ownership.

“I’d like to see more people get into housing, you know, that’s the whole idea, living in a community long term,” says Young. “You want to have people be able to invest in the community and pride of ownership.”

These units would cost roughly $300,000 up to $550,000, much more affordable than the average home in Greater Victoria.

Together, these four towers would provide around 1,000 residential units, and for some, that number is too much.

“Anyone anywhere, come and look and tell me if you think four high-rise towers belong in this corner,” says Rick Cuthbert, who has lived on Sunderland Road for over 10 years.

Cuthbert is worried about congestion in what he says is an already busy community. He started a petition in hopes council will reconsider, and by noon Monday had already gathered over 85 signatures.

“I’m hoping that they turn this development company around on their heels and say come back with something that more reflects the neighborhood,” says Cuthbert.

Both projects are designed by the same architect, Axiom Architecture. You can view the proposals online here. 

The proposals will go before the committee Monday, Sept. 27 and will include a public participation period. It is expected to be brought to council within the next 30 days.

[email protected]

Hannah LepineHannah Lepine

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