Grizzlies Looysen accepts CIS Scholarship with Brock University

Grizzlies Looysen accepts CIS Scholarship with Brock University

The Victoria Grizzlies  Nathan Looysen has agreed to a scholarship offer to play next season for the C.I.S Brock University Badgers based in St. Catherine?s, Ontario. Looysen is enjoying a stellar season with the Grizzlies, recording 17 goals and 23 assists to date. After stops in Kamloops with the Blazers of the WHL and the Victoria Cougars of the VIJHL, he has found his home with the Grizzlies, not only being a point producing offense threat, but as well a leader in the locker room. This is a well deserved honor for the former Peninsula Minor Hockey product.

Looysen will be studying Sports Management during his time at Brock University.

Jeff KingJeff King

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