Green Party leader makes last-minute stop in Victoria ahead of federal election

Green Party leader makes last-minute stop in Victoria ahead of federal election
WatchAs the election heads into its final stretch, parties are making last-minute efforts to boost support, including the Green Party.

As the election heads into its final stretch, parties are making last-minute efforts to boost support, including the Green Party.

The party’s federal leader Annamie Paul made a quick stop to Vancouver Island on Saturday to show her support for the two Green incumbents in Parliament, Elizabeth May and Paul Manly.

Dozens welcomed Paul on Saturday morning at the airport, cheering and holding signs.

The momentum continued at Lime Bay Park as dozens gathered in the afternoon for a press conference held by the Greens and an opportunity to personally meet Paul.

“The Greens are out in full effect,” exclaimed Paul in excitement at the start of her speech.

When asked if she felt confident that the party would retain its seats on the Island, she turned to the crowd and ask them.

“Are we confident that we’re going to keep our seats on the Island?” She asked, and the crowd cheers in agreement.

“And we’re certainly seeking to gain more. I mean, we have extraordinary candidates running for us,” she continued.

The Green Party’s only two seats in Parliament are on Vancouver Island, one of which is held by former Green Party leader Elizabeth May.

“This is really a great boost right at the end of the campaign for Annamie Paul to come and be with the B.C. candidates,” said May.

Paul made it clear that she wants Canadians to elect more Greens to Parliament, who she says, will be a champion for the environment, the climate crisis, reconciliation and a just society.

The crowd in attendance listened intently to her words and supporters couldn’t be happier.

‘There’s no doubt in my mind that the most thoughtful and future-forward looking political movement in this country is the green movement,” said Trevor Barry, a long-time Greens supporter.

“Just in terms of the climate crisis and dealing with the environment, I don’t think the other parties are adequately addressing that,” added Jacquie Millner, who will also be voting for the Green Party as she had in previous elections.

Others have been supporting the party for decades, including Rita Fromholt who made the switch from voting for the NDP and Liberals.

“We’re people that come from all across the political spectrum who just want to see a more fair and just world, particularly around the environment,” she said.

According to CBC’s poll tracker, the Greens are currently ranked last among Canada’s major federal parties.

Paul is expected to be back in her riding in Toronto on Sunday for a final day of campaigning before the election on Monday.

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Tahmina AzizTahmina Aziz

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