Green Party climate change platform unveiled

Green Party climate change platform unveiled

With just over six week’s to May’s provincial election, the Green party released it’s climate change platform

With just over six week’s to May’s provincial election, the Green party released it’s climate change platform on Thursday.

Green Party leader Andrew Weaver says a Green government would direct B.C. Hydro to support clean energy, make low carbon consumer choices more affordable and increase the carbon tax over the next four years.

He says being a leader in climate change action will be good for B.C.’s economy.

“If your look at GDP growth we out performed Canada at precisely the time we were the only one with carbon pricing and the reason why is when you send a signal to market about the way business should move forward market responds there is no shortage of innovation and creativity out there to take advantage of this,” Weaver says.

The provincial election is May 9th.


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