Grade 1 boy sells ice cream to support Hornby Island school

Grade 1 boy sells ice cream to support Hornby Island school

WATCH: A six-year-old Courtenay boy sold cold treats after school Friday to raise money for the Hornby Island Community School rebuilding effort.

A six-year-old boy from Courtenay is working hard to support the Hornby Island school community.

Roughly a third of the Hornby Island Community School was destroyed in a suspicious fire on Aug. 26. A 25-year-old Comox Valley man, whose name is the subject of a publication ban, has been charged with arson damaging property in connection with the fire.

When Harvey Quenneville-Strzalkowski, a Grade 1 student at Ecole Puntledge Park in Courtenay, heard the story, he decided he wanted to help in any way he could. He had spent most of the summer on Hornby Island.

“I thought this would really be a good idea to raise money,” said Harvey.

Students lined up for 30 minutes after school Friday to buy his ice cream and popsicles.

He then asked his mother if they could hold a fundraiser to go towards the school rebuilding fund.

“We felt it when the school burned down and Harvey came to me and said he’d like to do something to help.” said his mom,  Sarah Quenneville.

“I really just think it’s really fun,” added Harvey. “And it’s called a fundraiser and it is a lot of work, though, setting up and doing all this and that.”

The fundraiser raised about $240, which will toward rebuilding efforts once a decision is made about school repairs. School District 71 has not announced plans to repair the school or how much it will cost.


Dean StoltzDean Stoltz

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