When government falls, Premier Christy Clark will ‘not advise’ lieutenant-governor

When government falls, Premier Christy Clark will 'not advise' lieutenant-governor

Premier Christy Clark expects the government to fall after a confidence vote on June 29.

The vote is expected to happen at about 5:30 p.m. on Thursday evening. After the vote, Clark will leave the legislature immediately to go to Government House.

Clark was asked Wednesday what she was going to say to Lieutenant-Governor Judith Guichon. Typically, a premier advises the lieutenant-governor to either call on the next leader to form government or suggest that the lieutenant-governor dissolves parliament, and calls an election. However, Clark said she actually has three choices.

“It’s not my intention to advise her whether or not to call an election. That’s her decision. Here’s what I do know,” Clark said.

“In these conversations between a premier and a lieutenant-governor, in moments like this, she will probably ask me some questions. If she asks me do I think this legislature is working, or do I think it can work. I’ve got to be honest. You’ve seen what I’ve seen the last week. It isn’t working.”

And the premier says she’ll answer the lieutenant-governor’s questions honestly and she’s not going to lie to Judith Guichon. Clark said there is no effort to collaborate among the three parties and she’ll answer the Guichon’s questions, but won’t advise her.

The premier will be at Government House by 6 p.m. The question is, will Judith Guichon call on John Horgan to form government or will British Columbians go back to the polls?

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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