Girl Guides in Victoria to deliver mint chocolate cookies for first time in two years

Girl Guides in Victoria to deliver mint chocolate cookies for first time in two years

The iconic chocolate mint Girl Guides cookies were on a two-year baking hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the door-knocking deliveries returned on Saturday.

Wendy Halpen, a Girl Guide pathfinder guider, says this initiative has helped fund a lot of the organization’s expenses for decades.

“Locally this will help support trips to camp, equipment, help girls with uniforms, and just generally a great time in their unit,” said Halpen. “They will be starting today and hopefully you’re favourite Girl Guide will be coming to sell you cookies very soon.”

Halpen added that there are 3,300 cases of cookies being distributed in just the Victoria area. Each of the cases contains 12 boxes of cookies. The cases were being distributed in Langford and a number of people came out to help.

For some like Michelle Windsor, a Girl Guide’s unit leader, helping out hits close to home.

“It started with the fact that my daughter’s unit needed a leader and I’ve been involved for 11 years. It just kind of get’s in your blood and you stick with it,” said Windsor.

If folks looking to buy Girl Guide cookies don’t get a knock on their door, some Girl Guides may set up stands outside of local grocery stores to buy.

A previous version of this article stated cookies will be sold in grocery stores, which was something that was offered during the pandemic but will not be offered this year. The story has been updated to reflect this. CHEK News regrets the error.

Mohammed HussainMohammed Hussain

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