Get Up and Grow: Brighten up your winter garden

Get Up and Grow: Brighten up your winter garden

In this episode of Get Up and Grow, CHEK’s Hannah Lepine and Gord Nickel, president of Wildwood Outdoor Living Centre, talk about ways to brighten up your gloomy winter garden.

First, they talk about Helleborus orientallis or Lenten roses, these perennials’ colours range from a faded rosy pink to a deep maroon, almost like the shade of your favourite red wine.

Helleborus’ can be planted right into the ground or in a pot in a partly shaded area. Gord tells Hannah these plants look great beside crocus’ but will pair best if you plant them both in a sunnier area, as crocus’ do best in partial to full sun.

Gord and Hannah then discuss the pretty pink shrub, Viburnum bodnantense “Pink Dawn”. These are known for their fragrant, bright pink flowers that bloom in clusters.

Gord says the gardener can even cut a branch off this shrub and bring it indoors to enjoy the sweet-smelling fragrance from inside.

READ MORE: Get Up and Grow: Winter flowering jasmine

Hannah LepineHannah Lepine

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