George Jay Elementary teachers throw parade in Victoria for students

George Jay Elementary teachers throw parade in Victoria for students
WatchGeorge Jay Elementary in Victoria wanted to do something special to show their students they miss them. So they had a parade. Jasmine Bala has more.

Dozens of George Jay Elementary School staff members drove, cycled and ran through their Victoria neighbourhood on Friday afternoon, parading through the streets for their students.

“We’re having a parade so we can let the kids know how much we miss them. It’s just not the same doing it from home, I can tell you that,” said Marcy O’Keefe, one of the school’s teachers.

The staff played music from their cars, honked their horns and cheered during their procession through the school’s catchment area.

It’s a way to lift spirits and stay connected during the COVID-19 pandemic when schools are shut down and learning has moved online.

“We really want to be connected to our families because they can’t come into the building,” said the principal, Melanie Postle, adding if the students can’t come to them, at least they can still visit them where they are.

“We want them to know that they’re in our hearts and we are here for them to meet all their needs.”

So the teachers grabbed their markers, made some signs and visited their students, bringing the school spirit right to their front steps.

O’Keefe’s car was decorated with dozens of purple hearts on all sides.

“I love purple, so I have made everything on my car purple,” said O’Keefe, smiling. “And I’ve got all the kids’ names on the back so they know we miss them.”

Signs like “We miss you!” and “George Jay Hearts full of love!” adorned the sides of their cars, while others had balloons and heart-shaped cut-outs. Some of the students watching and cheering held up their own signs, saying things like “I miss you.”

“The kids love seeing us and it’s good that they know we’re here, we’re still around,” said Postle.

“Because sometimes if they can’t see us, they don’t know we’re here.”


Jasmine BalaJasmine Bala

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