Friday Funny: Dog tries to eat microphone at BC Ferries terminal

Friday Funny: Dog tries to eat microphone at BC Ferries terminal

WATCH: A German Shepherd waiting for a ferry at Swartz Bay got a little too friendly with a CHEK News cameraman

There’s been lots of travel trouble at BC Ferries this week, but what happened on Friday was a first.

CHEK News cameraman Robert Creese was covering the aftermath of the worst wind storm to hit Vancouver Island in more than a decade when a German Shepherd got a little too friendly. Or maybe not so friendly?

The pooch grabbed the CHEK microphone and started chewing on it.

“Oh no, I’ve never had that happen before!,” the veteran videographer said as people watching erupted in laughter.

The dog was rather taken with the mic, which was in furry windsock resembling a grey squirrel to protect it from the wind.

The German Shepherd gave the microphone one last lick before giving it back.

Tess van StraatenTess van Straaten

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