Found Photos: Do you recognize these people?

Found Photos: Do you recognize these people?
WatchFundraising phenom Frankie Edroff hopes to reunite a family with photos he found in an old album at Value Village. Tess van Straaten reports.

Frankie Edroff loves to draw and after being in and out of hospital his whole life, it’s not just a way to pass the time — it’s also therapeutic.

“My anxiety will go down and anything I’m going through it will help bring it down, mellow me out, and calm me down,” Edroff says.

Edroff was looking for an old-school album to put his drawings in to display them.

But after buying a photo album at Value Village in Victoria, he got quite the surprise.

“I stuck the first one in and when I flipped over to the next page, I started seeing these photos,” Edroff says.

Photos of a family that look like they were taken in the 1980s and now Edroff is trying to find the family these photos belong to.

“They’re not just some photos, they’re memories and I always take memories as a very memorable thoughtful thing — especially what I went through in October.”

Edroff, who rose to fame as ‘penny girl’ Jeneece Edroff raising more than $1 million for Variety the Children’s Charity, contracted a severe case of meningitis last month and almost died.

It’s made finding the family in the photos extra important.

But re-uniting them with the pictures is easier said than done.

“The amount of items we get and the amount of people who give stuff to us we have no way of really knowing who’s given us what,” explains Morgan Wright of Value Village Victoria.

Value Village gets upwards of 30,000 items a day donated and depending on the day, they receive 40 to 100 photos albums.

“We have to go through and make sure no family photos in just to protect the privacy of the people that brings those things to us however, with the amount of items we get, some things can slip through the cracks,” Wright says.

Edroff just hopes someone watching will recognize the people in these pictures.

“If we were able to find the owners of these photos it would mean a lot to me because I would know I’ve done by good deed for the day.”

If you recognize the people in the photos please email us at [email protected].

Tess van StraatenTess van Straaten

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