Former Port Alberni Teacher sentenced for possessing child porn

Former Port Alberni Teacher sentenced for possessing child porn

Former EJ Dunn Elementary Teacher handed lowest sentence possible

A former elementary school teacher was sentenced for possessing child pornography related to an RCMP sting operation last year.

Daniel Shaen Oliver, was 36 year-old, when he was arrested last June.

Today, the grade 6 and 7 teacher was sentenced to 6 months in jail and given three years probation.

“”They are new legislative statutory minimums and six months in jail for someone of his background is quite a severe shock and quite a disruption,” said his lawyer Charles Beckingham following the sentencing.

In an agreed statement of facts, its revealed the father of 4 had a number of conversations on-line with what he thought was the mother of an 8-year old girl.

Oliver sent sexually explicit photos and was making plans to meet the mother and daughter for a sexual encounter

He was in fact speaking to an undercover RCMP officer.

“He was completely cooperative with the police, the authorities and the school district,” said Beckingham. “The risk of re-offending, or getting involved in something further, is very low.”

The court also heard Oliver had messaged that he’d taken his class swimming the day before and he said a number of the girls were in skimpy bikinis. “Wish I could have taken some pics,” he said. “How bad I wanted a couple of them to kneel down in front of me.”

The school district suspended Oliver without pay following his arrest and he and his wife are now separated although he’s continued to have supervised visits with his four children.

“It’s quite frankly been absolutely devastating to him and his family who have to deal with this now,” said Beckingham.

During the sentencing Oliver apologized. “I have no excuses. I’m working toward dealing with my issues,” he said. “I apologize to my wife and children for the pain I’ve caused them. I also want to apologize to the community.”

The status of Oliver’s teaching certificate now rests with the Teacher Regulation Branch.

Oliver’s DNA will also be submitted to the National Sex Offender database.

The judge ordered him to stay away from public places where those under 16 years-old might be and to stay off the internet for 10 years, unless approved by his probation officer.

Kendall HansonKendall Hanson

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