Flock of American White Pelicans seen in Parksville

Flock of American White Pelicans seen in Parksville

Listed as endangered, flock of 19 American White Pelicans may have been blown off course. 


You don’t see many pelicans on Canadian beaches but that’s exactly what residents in Craig Bay woke up to find Thursday morning. 
“The last few years we’ve seen more of them showing up, in the ones and twos but not many” explained Colin Bartlett, owner of The Backyard WildBird & Nature Store in Nanaimo. “But there’s a lot this time.  There’s 19 in total. That is, (unusual) to see a big flock like that is quite something.”
Bartlett’s Facebook page and other social media sites used by local birders have lit up with excitement from people eager to see the pelicans.
But it seems as quick as they arrive in one location, like they did at Craig Bay, they’re off again, presumably trying to find their way.
Where should they have been and where were they headed?
“Well from what I know they should be headed up through Alberta and Saskatchewan but there’s probably a few that go up through the interior on the other side of the coastal mountains which maybe these were supposed to be doing that but got sidetracked off the path.” explained Bartlett. 
He says they may have been following a food  source or were blown off course by a storm in the area last week.
They were first spotted here at Craig Bay and have since been seen off Lantzville and flying past downtown Nanaimo 
And they’re probably out there still trying to get their bearings. 
“They may be down in Victoria right now, they could be farther south, then they’ll turn around get their bearings and head north again.” said Bartlett. 

Dean StoltzDean Stoltz

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