Family, police still looking for leads 28 years after Michael Dunahee went missing

Family, police still looking for leads 28 years after Michael Dunahee went missing

WATCH: It’s a child’s disappearance that’s never been solved. Four-year-old Michael Dunahee went missing from Victoria on this day, 28 years ago. As Kori Sidaway tells us, his friends and family haven’t given up hope.

“Twenty-eight years today, my son disappeared,” said Bruce Dunahee to a crowd of a couple hundred.

“It was the hardest day of my life.”

His four-year-old son Michael Dunahee disappeared without a trace from a Victoria playground 28 years ago, but today hundreds gathered to keep Michael’s memory alive.

“Michael was very outgoing, loved playing with everybody else, just very friendly,” said Michael’s mom Crystal Dunahee.

The little blonde boy disappeared in broad daylight back in March of 1991.

“It’s every parent’s nightmare,” said Victoria Police Chief Del Manak.

“This has shocked our community and shocked everyone across the country.”

Michael’s apparent abduction sparked one of the largest police searches in Canadian history, with a total of 300 Victoria Police officers assisting in the investigation.

Still, no sign of Michael has ever been found.

“This remains an active and open investigation. We’re appealing to the community that we know someone knows something,” said Chief Manak.

Michael’s sudden and untraceable disappearance has left the Island community rocked.

“It’s a very meaningful thing to me because my son was born two days before it happened,” said Gail Pohl.

“I have a son named Michael too, who is slightly younger than Michael Dunahee, so it hits home,” said Rosanne Quan.

“It’s something that I think every everybody that has been in Victoria in the last 28 years is aware of, and it’s impacted everything that we do with kids,” added Shannon Sanderson.

And even though many years have passed, the community hasn’t slowed down their search.

“We have one common goal, and that’s to find Michael Dunahee,” said Chief Manak.

Hundreds showing up Sunday to walk together, for Michael.

“It’s nice to have that camaraderie, and know that people are behind you 100 per cent,” said Crystal.

Walking, and running to keep the hope alive that one day Michael will come home.

Kori SidawayKori Sidaway

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