Errington couple admits to killing two missing huskies after they attacked livestock

Errington couple admits to killing two missing huskies after they attacked livestock

WATCH: An Errington couple has admitted to killing two missing huskies named Kodi and Tigger that went missing on Dec. 24. 

Olivia Kenton was taking down the lost dog signs around her Errington neighbourhood on Wednesday. The huskies, Kodi and Tigger, had been missing since Dec. 24, 2018, when they escaped from her yard.

“You know I hope people always remember these boys. They were the most lovely angels on the earth,” Kenton said.

“They had slipped through their leashes when my dad was looking after them and they had taken off through our front gate, which was not able to close because of the power outage,” added Kenton.

She said the two dogs ran down her street and disappeared down a deer trail that runs along the Englishman River.

“For months I looked, I searched every day,” she said. “I slept about three hours a night.”

Then about two weeks ago, she received what she calls a cryptic Facebook message followed by an anonymous phone call last week.

“A woman told me an address and where I should look for the bodies of my boys,” said Kenton.

That tip led to a property about five kilometres up the Englishman River and there were messages back and forth between Olivia and those who she thought killed her missing huskies.

It was someone she even knew from the previous purchase of a horse.

“Being tortured and wondering where my children were and where my beautiful boys were is just disgusting,” said Kenton.

But Wendy Glover and Micheal Chamberlain wanted to tell their side of the story. Chamberlain admits to shooting the two dogs on the morning of Dec. 24, 2018, because they were attacking one of their pregnant goats and then they went after their dog.

“They went straight back to the goat,” said Glover. “They were eating her throat and her legs, particularly her back legs by her udders and Michael said what do you want me to do and I said ‘you have no other choice.'”

She said they yelled at the dogs to leave but they did not.

Chamberlain said he shot the dogs in the goat pen as humanely as possible, with one bullet each.

The RCMP arrived a few minutes later because their son had called 911 when he heard his mother scream.

Police were informed that the dogs had been shot.

Silly the goat has now recovered but her two unborn kids were killed.

They said the dogs didn’t have collars. They didn’t know who they belonged to so they buried the two dogs. Even during the search, they never spoke up they say because there had been apparent sightings of the missing dogs so they were still unsure.

Glover and Chamberlain say they are now receiving threats on social media and say they just want an apology then Olivia can have the remains of her dogs back.

“We’re being painted like somebody who’s malicious and out to hurt animals. That’s not the case at all, we were defending our animals,” said Chamberlain.

The RCMP says he shot them under the authority of the Livestock Protection Act.


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