Eight-year-old boy opens lemonade stand, raises $900 for Victoria Hospitals Foundation

Eight-year-old boy opens lemonade stand, raises $900 for Victoria Hospitals Foundation

For the second time, an eight-year-old boy has opened up a lemonade stand — this time raising $900 for the Victoria Hospitals Foundation.

Anders Yee opened up his tiny operation in front of his driveway, offering up ice-cold lemonade, cookies, ice cream and, most importantly, a second chance at life for others.

“I want to save a life,” said Anders.

He was born prematurely, spending the first 35 days of his life in the neonatal intensive care unit at Victoria General Hospital. With the hospital staff’s help, he was able to go home and begin his life.

However, last year, Anders’ father passed away.

“He was helpful, he was always there if you needed him,” said the boy.

He decided to raise money for the foundation to give back to the staff who helped him and his dad. In March, he opened up a lemonade stand, raising $42.

“He’s always giving back. Like even when we’re going shopping, and there’s little donation bins, he’s always dropping coins in them, and it started at a very young age,” said Susanna Yee, Anders’ mom.

On the week of the one-year mark since his passing, Anders decided to open up his operation again, proving successful by raising nearly $1,000.

“The money from today will provide the equipment that our caretakers need. So, Anders is making a big impact regardless of donation size,” said Avery Brohman, CEO of the Victoria Hospitals Foundation.

He’s not quitting anytime soon. Anders is already planning his next entrepreneurial operation.

“Maybe like a hotdog stand. I’ve been thinking of putting sort of a food truck but at one place,” he added.

Oli HerreraOli Herrera

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