Easter Sunday draws celebrants to first indoor services in three years

Easter Sunday draws celebrants to first indoor services in three years

For the first time since the start of the pandemic, places of worship are free to hold in-person Easter weekend services with no COVID restrictions.

In 2020, the pandemic essentially shut down, or limited religious services.

For many heading into the Sunday service, it’s been a difficult time.

According to Statistics Canada, more than 44 per cent of British Columbians identified as being religious in 2011.

This is the first indoor Easter service at St. Andrew’s Cathedral.

Three main religious celebrations are overlapping for the first time in 30 years; Vaisakhi, Passover, and Easter, and this weekend runs in the middle of the Muslim holy month Ramadan.

Jordan Shaw, is a spiritual care leader at Our Place, and said it’s holding its first multi-faith service indoors, as a way to connect with the Victoria community.

“For larger faith communities too, it’s so difficult to establish and connect in a larger way when it’s your only option is virtual or online. I think that in-person really does have value to it,” Shaw said.

Mustafa Abousaleh represents Victoria’s Masjid Al-Iman mosque, and they were happy to be included.

“This is the first time doing that, so it it’s a good way to connect with the community, local community here at Our Place,” Abousaleh said.

WATCH: COVID-19 pandemic measures, vaccine passport, lifted in B.C.

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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