Dramatic video released by coast guard of fishing boat in distress

Dramatic video released by coast guard of fishing boat in distress

A Sooke based Royal Canadian Marine search and rescue crew were in the right place at the right time this weekend.

The crew were on a training mission yesterday when a distress call came in about a fishing charter boat with five people on board rapidly taking on water.

The crew raced to the scene.

The crew arrived moments later.

Another boat had taken four people off the sinking vessel, but one person remained on board trying bail water out.

The R-C-M crew quickly deployed a pump and were able to keep the boat floating until it was towed back into Sooke 90 minutes later.

When the boat was pulled out of the water the reason it was taking on water became apparent.

There was a six foot long crack in the hull.

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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