Crews hold 21-hectare Sayward wildfire

Crews hold 21-hectare Sayward wildfire


Video: A helicopter working on putting out a wildfire that was sparked after a slash pile burn got out of control near Sayward.

Fire crews working to put out a 21-hectare wildfire burning near Sayward believe they have the fire held.

The B.C. Wildfire Service says 34 firefighters are fighting the blaze today, in addition to one helicopter supporting them.

“They’re calling it being held which means we don’t expect it to grow under the current conditions and they are fully expecting to call it under control by today or tomorrow,” said Dorthe Jakobsen, a Fire Information Officer with the Coastal Fire Centre.

Six homes have been on evacuation alert all weekend and the Coastal Fire Centre says extremely dry conditions combined with high winds caused it to grow quickly.

Smoke seen rising from the Sayward fire Sunday

Smoke seen rising from the Sayward fire Sunday

Officials were notified about the blaze Friday, after a slash pile burn near Frenchman Road got out of control.

On Saturday officials said they expected to get it under control that night or Sunday.

Many in the community say it is the earliest a forest fire has broken out in the season.

The Sayward Fire Department is very concerned,  as the wildfire season for them doesn’t start until June,

Two other fires are also burning on Vancouver Island.

A fire between Lake Cowichan and Bamfield has grown to 12 hectares and is still active. It is suspected to be human caused and was discovered on Thursday.

The second is just north of Jordan River and was discovered on Saturday. It is only .01 hectares in size.

The province reminds the public that they can report a wildfire or irresponsible behaviour that could start a wildfire to 1 800 663-5555 or *5555 from a cell phone.


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