Cowichan businesses can now apply for a free Island Good brand program license

Cowichan businesses can now apply for a free Island Good brand program license

As the coronavirus pandemic’s economic impact continues to be felt by many local producers, businesses in the Cowichan region have an opportunity to join a unique branding program for no charge.

Thanks to a recent partnership agreement between the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance and the Economic Development Cowichan and Community Futures, eligible businesses in the Cowichan Valley can apply for a free an Island Good license.

Applications are on a first-come-first-served basis and will be available for a limited time, according to a press release on Island Good’s website.

“There is a growing demand for locally made food and products, and we know it can be hard for small producers to stand-out. To help them be seen, and hopefully increase their sales, we will support these businesses to take advantage of the successful Island Good program,” said Cathy Robertson, general manager of Community Futures Cowichan, said in a press release.

Island Good began in 2013 as a pilot program for Island grown food and has since grown to include all Vancouver Island made products that include everything from potatoes to airplane parts. According to its website, Island Good branding led to increased sales of food and beverage products by an average of 16 per cent in 45 grocery stores over a six month period.

For every $100 spent a local business, $63 is re-circulated back into the province’s economy, according to BC Buy Local. The Vancouver Island Economic Alliance also says that a one per cent increase in sales of local products equals 50 jobs.

Businesses wishing to fill out an application form, can do so by visiting the Island Good website.




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