Your Country, Your Story: Mandi Schubert’s moving story of arriving in Canada from Korea

Your Country, Your Story:  Mandi Schubert's moving story of arriving in Canada from Korea

This is Mandi Schubert’s story, in her own words:
When I was three months old, I was abandoned and placed in a cardboard box beside the road in Seoul, Korea.
I was found by a police officer as I was crying.
I was placed in an orphanage then foster home and then adopted into Canada 5 days before my government issued first birthday.
(My birthdate was chosen based on my weight and head size.)
The first picture taken of me was upon my arrival to Vancouver Airport.
I was made a Canadian Citizen before I arrived in Canada and I have been a proud Canadian ever since, and I love my adopted family so much!
I hold no ill will towards my birth mother…whomever she may be.
She did what she had to do. She abandoned me for a better life, I believe.
My favorite memory of living on Vancouver Island is growing up in small town Brentwood Bay.
Everyone knew each other and watched out for you, and I grew up during a time when it was still safe to walk alone even as a little kid and leave your doors unlocked.
My first job was at the Brentwood Inn Restaurant, long before it was a resort.
I have had a wonderful life in Canada!
People always ask me, don’t you want to know about your heritage? And I always say..I do, I am Canadian!!

Veronica CooperVeronica Cooper

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