Cougar attacks dog in Metchosin

Cougar attacks dog in Metchosin

WATCH: A Metchosin woman says her dog is lucky to be alive after a cougar attack her beloved pet Wednesday. Isabelle Raghem reports.

A Metchosin resident says her 10-year-old wiener dog Max is lucky to be alive after a cougar attacked him Wednesday.

“I’m like ‘common let’s go’ and I heard this shriek,” said pet owner Jana King, “[Max] was laying on his back, screaming and the cat was just on top of him and looked up at me and took a step forward.”

King says thanks to an adrenaline rush she walked towards the cougar, waving her arms before the cat ran the other way.

“I was just in a ‘get away from my dog’ mode. And obviously hindsight it’s like what the hell was I thinking [running towards a cougar],” said King Thursday.

The attack happened on her Metchosin property off Kangaroo Rd. Wednesday around 5 p.m.

She says what’s most terrifying is just how quietly the cat made its move.

“It was shocking. It was sudden. I keep thinking back, it happened so instantaneously,” King said, “There was no hint there was anything around.”

It’s an area where animal attacks have become increasingly common in recent months.  Since July more than a dozen sheep have been found dead, believed to have been killed by a bear.

B.C. Conservation says it’s the first reported cougar attack in Metchosin this summer.

Luckily, Max walked away with just a few puncture wounds.

B.C. Conservation is urging anyone who may come across a cougar to contact them so they can track the animal?s behaviour.

Isabelle RaghemIsabelle Raghem

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