Community pays it forward to ‘selfless’ Errington man who lost his store in a fire, but saved another

Community pays it forward to 'selfless' Errington man who lost his store in a fire, but saved another

A GoFundMe has launched for an Errington business owner who lost everything in a fire, but did everything he could to save the neighbouring business.

On March 14, Errington fire crews were called to the Jay’s Trailer at 1093 Smithers Rd. shortly before 7 p.m.

Crews found the building engulfed in flames.

READ MORE: Parksville fire destroys building on Smithers Road

Jordan Piccolo, owner of Jay’s Trailers, said firefighters believe it was possibly an electrical fire, adding he lost all of his tools, equipment and business paperwork.

The fire also destroyed several vehicles he inherited from his father, who passed away in 2018.

“I pretty much lost everything I had in the shop,” Piccolo said.

Instead of watching his business burn, the neighbouring business said he made a “heroic move.”

Darcy Mackenzie, owner of Raincoast Erosion Control LTD., told CHEK News his business is connected to Jay’s Trailers.

He said while the fire was spreading and it was too late to save his own stuff, Piccolo did everything he could to save Raincoast.

In the process, Piccolo suffered second-degree burns and smoke inhalation.

“The burns on his hands were actually from opening the doors to my shop to save whatever machinery he could,” Mackenzie said. “Jordan actually removed, I would say, 95 per cent of my equipment, products and tooling from my shop.”

He added Piccolo also got the fire department to focus their efforts on saving the trucks and equipment he had outside.

“It was really selfless,” Mackenzie said.

According to Mackenzie, this move perfectly describes Piccolo’s character.

“Jordan is the kind of guy that would give the shirt off his back for anybody. People show up here all the time and they are looking for a quick repair and more times than not, Jordan is willing to help without any payback. He’s the kind of guy that would do anything for anybody,” He explained.

Left: Jordan Piccolo speaks in front of what’s left of his shop. Right: A still from a viewer video of the fire, which may have been due to an electrical fault.

Piccolo’s friends have launched a GoFundMe page to raise money and bridge the gap on funds until insurance claims for the fire are settled.

As of Tuesday afternoon, $3,335 had been raised.

“Hopefully we can help get him some money together for the contents inside [the building]. I mean there was a lot of valuables, tools and it really was how he fed his family and himself and made his money,” said Callum Hayes, Piccolo’s friend.

Piccolo told CHEK News the amount of support he has received from friends and the surrounding community has been amazing.

He said he hopes some of the money raised will also help rebuild the shop, which he hopes happens soon.

“Now we are just waiting for the insurance side of things so we can start the demo and go from there,” Piccolo explained.

Mackenzie ReadMackenzie Read

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