Close encounters with transient whales captured on video

Close encounters with transient whales captured on video
WatchTransient whales caught on camera by residents in the Saanich Peninsula

A pod of transient orcas was spotted on Saturday, and many lucky locals had a very special seat to the show.

“A fellow on the dock said look, there’s whales! we looked and there were three beautiful orcas,” said Hazel Mason, a paddle boarder.

Mason was out with a group paddle boarding around Brentwood Bay when the magic unfolded.

“It was breathtaking, I just put my paddle down and was speechless,” Mason said.

Olympic medalist Silken Laumann caught the whales on camera right from her dock. In a twitter video she can be heard saying in the 10-years she lived in her home this sort of encounter has never happened.

Over in Mill Bay, Rob and Cammy Coughlin also go the pleasure of this beautiful sight.

“We looked out and right in front of us, these five beautiful orca’s were right there,” said Rob Coughlin, a Mill Bay resident.

The couple has only been in this home for two months and could not believe they already had the chance to spot these creatures so close.

These lucky and rare encounters are sure to keep many eyes on the ocean in the months to come.

Andrea FerrariAndrea Ferrari

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