Close call on the Malahat caught on dashcam video Thursday

Close call on the Malahat caught on dashcam video Thursday

Photo courtesy Twitter/@KathrynY.

Photo courtesy Twitter/@KathrynY.

WATCH: Dashcam video of a near accident on the Malahat Thursday morning, courtesy Twitter/@KathrynY.

Dramatic dashcam video shared on social media shows a very close call between a few vehicles on the Malahat Thursday morning.

The Twitter account of @KathrynY posted the video Thursday night, saying “Yeah, so ever wonder why they have to shut down the #malahat so often?”

The witness post says she was southbound approaching the Shawinigan Lake turnoff on Highway 1 when the video shows a vehicle coming from the southbound lanes to turn left and go north.

Just as that vehicle is turning, it appears a northbound truck had just turned into the left lane as it approached the intersection.

The northbound truck then slams on its brakes and stops just in time to avoid the turning vehicle.

A second truck following in the left lane is also seen having to slow down dramatically before changing lanes.



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