Video: Close call for Esquimalt pedestrian during building demolition

Video: Close call for Esquimalt pedestrian during building demolition
Photo courtesy of Leah DeForrest.
A pedestrian narrowly avoids falling building material during a demolition in Esquimalt on May 22, 2020.

A pedestrian had to run out of the way of a falling building being demolished to make way for a future multi-use condo in Esquimalt.

RG Excavating was bringing down a structure Friday at 899 Esquimalt Road, at the intersection of Esquimalt and Head Street.

As the building came down, a pedestrian walking past the work site avoided being hit as the building crashed, taking out a panel of fencing along the sidewalk.

Rob Grant of RG Excavating says the pedestrian wasn’t supposed to be there, adding a crew member at the corner of Esquimalt and Head told him to stay back.

Grant says the pedestrian decided to go anyways.

There were no injuries from the incident.

That location in Esquimalt will be the site of a mixed-use condominium and ground floor commercial tower called Pacific House.

The building will be nine-storeys from the Esquimalt Road frontage and 12-storeys as viewed from Wollaston Street.


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