CHEK Upside: Wilson’s first swim and a radiant super kid bring a healthy distraction to Thetis Lake

CHEK Upside: Wilson's first swim and a radiant super kid bring a healthy distraction to Thetis Lake

At Thetis Lake, five-month-old Wilson conquers a major milestone.

“He has just done his first time ever going for a swim in the lake,” said Wilson’s owner Christine Umbach. “I didn’t know if I had a water dog, so he’s a water dog, yay!”

Wilson chases a stick into the water, Christina gets a much-needed distraction from the on-going Coronavirus pandemic.

“Trying to be conscious of what’s going on, but you have to get out and if I can get out with the dog, great!”

And Christine wasn’t the only one embracing a little pet therapy.

“It’s very helpful because it’s very lonely just being stuck at home,” said fellow dog owner Alicia Albers. “Your dog just kind of gets you out of everything so it’s nice to come here and throw the ball with her….you appreciate it a lot more with the extra time, so I enjoy it a lot.”

If dogs weren’t enough to brighten your mood, how about a friendly visit from super Grover and the super kid?

“So I like wearing bright colours, I’m an individual with autism and I’ve always loved colours and making people happy.” Said Adam Irwin-Gunn, dressed in a full superhero costume with a constant smile ear to ear.

“I find when we wear colour, it brightens up somebody else’s mood, like, without even realizing it,” said Irwin-Gunn.

This super kid doesn’t fly or shoot lasers, be he does have a calling card: radiant energy and the power of staying positive.

“We have so much to be thankful for… we have this great weather, we have this great view and stuff like that… and you know we can still keep living life in a respectful and mindful manner.”

Kevin CharachKevin Charach

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