CHEK Upside: Victoria man set for run and shave for good cause

CHEK Upside: Victoria man set for run and shave for good cause
WatchOn Sunday morning, Sam Hasham will embark on two things he's never done before: a 28-kilometre run, and a clean shave.

For Sam Hasham, running has never come easy.

“I’d probably say I’m the furthest thing from a natural runner. I have the knees of an 80-year-old man,” Hasham told CHEK News.

But after months of training, Hasham believes he’s ready for the toughest running test of his life.

“We’re all gonna be doing a 28-kilometre run on the Finlayson arm marathon trail,” said Hasham, who’s pursuing the challenge with friends from work.

And it’s all for a good cause.

Hasham, an employee with Proline Management, is spearheading a company initiative to raise funds for Victoria’s Anawim House.

“They’re a community house for the Victoria street community . . . it’s a substance-free place where people can go.  For us to be able to take this on and give them everything we can in terms of any donations we make and bringing awareness to their cause is fantastic,” said Hasham.

As part of the fundraiser, Hasham has also agreed to shave his beard. The seemingly innocent act takes on a major change for Hasham who doesn’t remember the last time he’s been fully shaven.

“I’ve trimmed it down a few times, but apart from that I haven’t been clean-shaven for a very very long time.”

His fiance, Amy Ohara, says she was a little nervous at first as she’s never seen her husband-to-be clean-shaven.

“I’ve come to terms with it over the last six months or so, I’m ready for it to disappear,” said Ohara.

“I already told her she’s not allowed to leave me on the status of my chin,” said a smiling Hasham.

For Hasham, the training and raising funds has provided the perfect hobby during the lockdown.

“Given the opportunity to reluctantly shave off my beard, and take on this challenge of really being able to run a longer distance I ever thought I could do has been amazing,” said Hasham.

The big day is set for tomorrow at the crack of dawn as Hasham aims to complete the life-changing journey.

“I’m excited to meet his chin for the first time in person . . . that’s something I’m looking forward to,” said Ohara.

Kevin CharachKevin Charach

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