CHEK Upside: Victoria Hindu temple’s Diwali Celebrations go virtual

CHEK Upside: Victoria Hindu temple's Diwali Celebrations go virtual
WatchThe Victoria Hindu Parishad and Cultural Centre is bringing it's annual Diwali Cultural Show online.

The Victoria Hindu Parishad and Cultural Centre is bringing it’s annual Diwali Cultural Show online.

The centre has been the focal point of Diwali celebrations in Victoria, but this year things look a little different.

“We have the temple open kind of on and off throughout the day and people can drop in,” says temple vice-president Nainesh Agarwal. “We had a little prayer this morning with just a handful of people so it’s a very kind of simple affair this year,” adds Agarwal.

The virtual rendition of their annual show involves various performers submitting videos of their own Diwali celebrations.

“We’ve asked them to send us videos and they have sent us three to four minute videos of their shows,” says temple public relations officer Sridevi Ganti.

“People can sit in the comfort of their living room, have a sit with family and then enjoy the show and enjoy their sweets and celebrate Diwali,” adds Ganti.

All of the community members are participating so it’s be a fantastic celebration and event,” says Agarwal.

The idea has been a huge success.

“So normally we have about 20 or so performances but this year we had almost 60 entries to perform so we actually had to split the event over two days,” says Agarwal.  “So we have a virtual event happening this evening and a virtual event happening tomorrow evening,” adds Agarwal.

The show has provided each performer with a creative outlet during the pandemic.

“You know people are getting a little concerned so we wanted to bring some light, some joy in their lives and by participating they are keeping their mind busy,” says Ganti.

“I think everybody understands the measures that we have had to take and everybody’s been very supportive of it,” adds Agarwal.

The first show begins at 6 p.m. Nov. 14 on the Cultural Events Centre Facebook page. The second performance will be streamed Nov. 15 at 6 p.m. as well.

Cole SorensonCole Sorenson

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