CHEK Upside: Victoria family creates board game to benefit environment

CHEK Upside: Victoria family creates board game to benefit environment
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Over the past ten years, a trio of siblings from Victoria has developed a board game that focuses on strategy and sustainability.

Over the past ten years, a trio of siblings from Victoria have developed a board game that focuses on strategy and sustainability.

“The object of the game is to create the best forest,” said Joseph Weinerman, the 18-year-old co-creator of Forestation. “As a home-schooling project, we made a board game.”

Weinerman, then eight years old, was given the task by his parents to create a board game. His older sister Leila and Chaim helped him from the start.

“Just one day we were bored, I think, and my dad suggested we make a board game instead of playing one,” said Leila Weinerman.

The sibling entrepreneurs created everything from the artwork to a business plan. After many attempts at a finalized version, the trio have recently went into production, selling their game online and in stores throughout southern Vancouver Island.

“They basically were the ones that pioneered it and I was basically in the background trying to help out and keep things going,” said Asher Weinerman, father of the Forestation creators.

And while the family is looking to turn a profit, the meaning behind the game goes much deeper.

“When I was younger we used to do a lot of things in nature,” said Joseph, who developed a connection with the outdoors.

A percentage of proceeds of the game will go towards environmental non-profit organizations. The Weinerman’s hope people play and enjoy while learning a thing or two about nature.

“We tried to make it as lifelike as possible so it could also be a very educational board game,” said Joseph, who’s visited schools to speak about the game’s educational elements.

“Once you start, you want to create this great forest and make sure it’s the best,” said Leila, who compares the game’s style to that of Settlers of Catan.  “If you want to learn about nature or want to educate yourself on ecology, or food chains, then it’s a great game for you.”

A family home-school project ten years in the making, aiming to entertain and make a difference. For more information on Forestation, click here.

Kevin CharachKevin Charach

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