CHEK Upside: TC 10K returning to the streets of Victoria

CHEK Upside: TC 10K returning to the streets of Victoria

For the first time since 2019 a staple in the Victoria sports calendar returns.

After two years of virtual events, the TC 10K is back in person and it has everyone excited.

“To be able to have the TC 10K go off on Sunday is really exciting for a lot of our staff and volunteers,” says event organizer Mark deFrias.

Runners of all ages and abilities will take to the course in downtown Victoria as the race once again will bring together the Vancouver Island running community.

“I think we’re going to finish somewhere around 5,500 to 6,000 runners by the time things are all done and dusted, which is what we expected,” says deFrais. “I think this year is a year for people to kind of get their comfort levels back up with events and feeling comfortable to participate again.”

For volunteer and former TC 10K competitor Sara Mackenzie the event stirs great memories and excitement ahead of its return.

“It brings back those jitters that I used to have,” says Mackenzie.

“I’m going to volunteer at the finish line which I’m excited to greet those competitors back through and it will be exciting to be on the other end.”

CHEK will also have live coverage on the morning of the race, bringing the event into thousands of homes.

“Those folks who can’t make it out on race day, they’re going to be able to watch a truly epic show for one hour hosted by Ed Bain and Jeff King,” says deFrais.

“They’re going to do a great job and really showcase how great this event is to the community because it is a hallmark of Victoria.”

The 33rd annual TC 10K starts Sunday at 8 a.m.

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Cole SorensonCole Sorenson

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