CHEK Upside: Sooke man will walk 24 hours straight in support of humane society

CHEK Upside: Sooke man will walk 24 hours straight in support of humane society
WatchDevin Meads is celebrating his 46th birthday by attempting to walk 150 kilometres straight in an effort to raise important funds for animals in need.

Hennessy, a six-month-old puppy, likes to keep her humans busy.

“It’s a good excuse to get out of the house,” said her owner, Devin Meads.

Both Meads and his wife Patty say they wouldn’t want it any other way.

“We’ve fostered literally over five hundred puppies,” said Devin. “I always say, nothing can possibly love you more than your dog.”

So for his upcoming 46th birthday, Devin wanted to try something new while also giving back to his furry friends.

On March 20, the Sooke resident will embark on a fundraising walking challenge that is not meant for the faint of heart — walking 150 kilometres from Langford to Qualicum Beach in just 24 hours.

“So 24 hours is the time limit,” said Devin. “My personal goal is 150 [kilometres]. Whether I get there or not remains to be seen, but I think I can so that’ll take me just north of Qualicum Beach.

“My birthday present to myself is, I’m torturing myself, basically,” he added.

Devin will be walking to raise funds for the Victoria Humane Society, a place he and his wife have volunteered at for over 10 years.

“We can’t do the galas, we can’t do those kinds of things, so we had to think outside the box and Devin thought outside the box,” said Penny Stone, executive director of the Victoria Humane Society.

The money Devin raises will be used to fund the society’s medical emergencies.

“It’s important we keep that fund full so we can always help when animals are in need,” said Stone.

Meanwhile, Devin says he’s never attempted anything like this before and has dedicated the past few months to training rigorously.

Patty, meanwhile, has been his number one cheerleader from the start, often driving to pick him up after 40 to 50-kilometre walks.

“He’s worked so hard to do this and he’s such a good man,” said Patty, holding back tears. “It’s inspirational.”

Devin’s ’24 Hour Walk For Paws Without Pause’ begins March 20.

For more information on the fundraiser and to donate, click here.

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Kevin CharachKevin Charach

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