CHEK Upside: Renowned Lambrick Park coach announcing retirement

CHEK Upside: Renowned Lambrick Park coach announcing retirement
WatchAfter 34 years of working at Lambrick Park Secondary School, Rocky Vitale is calling it quits. Cole Sorenson explains.

After 34 years of working at Lambrick Park Secondary School, Rocky Vitale is calling it quits.

Vitale first arrived at Lambrick in 1985, where he helped create a special education program. He also took over coaching the school’s girls basketball team, leading them to five straight provincial championships.

“600 wins later when I finished coaching the team, we were a powerhouse in basketball,” says Vitale.

After success on the basketball court, Vitale moved to the baseball and softball diamond, creating the Lambrick Park Secondary Baseball and Softball Academy. The program has provided hundreds of players with post-secondary opportunities.

“I went down to Concordia University in Portland and the whole thing was orchestrated by Rocky,” says former softball academy member Courtney Somers.

“From coaching me when I was 13 all the way up to going down to Portland and talking to coaches, there’s no way I would’ve been there without him.”

“Having a key role model as influential as Rocky is and just showing his passion and dedication to player development on and off the field. He is truly one of the most inspirational people I’ve met”

Looking back on nearly 40 years in Victoria, Vitale is grateful for every step in his sporting and educational journey.

“You don’t accomplish what I’ve accomplished without the nine principals I’ve had or great athletes,” says Vitale.

“I think I have been probably the luckiest guy to have come here.”

Vitale’s last day at Lambrick will be in June of 2022.

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Cole SorensonCole Sorenson

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