CHEK Upside: ‘People love it!’ Cookie delivery service is a hit

CHEK Upside: 'People love it!' Cookie delivery service is a hit
WatchTaryn Haywood's cookie kits have been making kids and parents alike smile.

It all started with a cancelled cookie decorating class. Taryn Haywood had a stash of leftover cookies and decided that instead of throwing them out, she’d deliver them as cookie decorating kits. The idea has taken off.

“I didn’t want to let everything go to waste and all that fun stuff so I put together some take home decorate kits. I had hoped that it would keep kids entertained so that mom and dad could get some work done, and doesn’t drive them too crazy,” Haywood said.

The kits are drawing rave reviews from young and old customers. The cookie packages can be ordered online, with a variety of home-style cookies available. While business is booming, Haywood says the toughest thing has been the deliveries.

“It’s very entertaining, but your first couple are exceedingly awkward! You just drop a box on their doorstep, you knock and you run! Then you wave at them from across the street,” Haywood said.

In the middle of pandemic, Haywood is in a unique position. Her business is busier than ever, and she attributes it to being diverse in her offerings.

“I think everyday things are changing so so fast and online sales are where it’s at right now. It’s very hard in a perishable business, but there’s ways to get it done,” Haywood said.

Haywood plans to stick with the cookie kits for as long as she can, but either way, it’s a pretty sweet deal.

Taryn Haywood’s website can be found here. 

Cole SorensonCole Sorenson

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