CHEK Upside: Langford mom plans drive-by birthday

CHEK Upside: Langford mom plans drive-by birthday
WatchElias Ritter celebrated his 5th birthday in style, all without leaving his driveway.

It started with one car then they just kept coming. Birthday parades have become all the rage as parents look for creative ways to celebrate their child’s birthday when gatherings of more than 50 people are banned.

Langford mom Danielle Ritter loved the idea so much she decided to plan one for her son Elias’s birthday.

On the big day, the family went out to the end of their driveway to celebrate.

“It’s his 5th birthday today, and since we have to do the social distancing thing, we are having a little drive by birthday, kinda parade style,” Ritter said.

With an orange birthday balloon in hand, little Elias was treated to his own mini-parade right in front of his own house. Friends and community members all came together while still keeping their distance. It was a different kind of party.

“It’s a little bit sad, but it’s nice, it brings some joy to our day and brings some joy to his, so it’s a memorable 5th birthday that’s for sure,” Ritter said.




Cole SorensonCole Sorenson

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