CHEK Upside: Halloween display raising money for BC Children’s Hospital

CHEK Upside: Halloween display raising money for BC Children's Hospital

For 12-year-old Lucas Campos, Halloween has always been his favourite time of year.

“I like Halloween because you can just be yourself and you can dress up and do whatever you want and no one is going to judge you,” says Lucas.

But this year, Oct. 31 has taken new meaning for Lucas and his family. In 2020, he was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, which has meant multiple trips to B.C. Children’s Hospital.

“They help treat it and I think that means a lot to me, because if they weren’t there I would just be sick and I couldn’t do anything with my life,” says Lucas.

“The doctors are so caring and lovely, it touches you when you get there,” says Lucas’ mom Angella.

“You don’t want to be there, but when you’re there they really make you feel good.”

So when it came time to erect this year’s haunted extravaganza in front of his Metchosin home, Lucas wanted to help the doctors and nurses who assisted him.

“He really wanted to try and impact the Children’s Hospital this year and maybe raise some money for them,” says Angella.

“I came up with the idea, if we’re going to put something out there may as well do it for something good,” says Campos.

“That’s what we decided on, the B.C. Children’s Hospital [Foundation].”

So this year’s Terror on Tiswilde will provide a source of horror and hope throughout the spookiest time of the year.

To donate to the fundraiser, visit the Terror on Tiswilde Facebook page.

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Cole SorensonCole Sorenson

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