CHEK Upside: Ed and Jeff celebrate 100th episode milestone

CHEK Upside: Ed and Jeff celebrate 100th episode milestone
WatchThe Upside duo go all out in reaching the century mark. The event includes cake, a massive giveaway and a look back at some of Ed and Jeff's favourite moments thus far on The Upside.

CHEK News director Scott Fee can’t help but smile when thinking back to The Upside’s television debut.

“We threw Jeff and Ed on the top of Mt. Tolmie and said go,” said Fee.

Although they didn’t know it back then, Ed Bain and Jeff King would quickly form a must-see nightly duo, becoming CHEK TV’s most popular segment.

“My inbox is flooded every single day from people wishing some much goodwill to not only everyone here on the island, but to The Upside and thanking The Upside for bringing them some levity during such a dark time,” said Fee.

Ever since The Upside was formed five months ago, Bain and King have toured the island from Victoria to Campbell River, hosting segments including “Music Monday”, “Take-out Tuesday’, and a little bit of everything in between. They’ve featured small businesses, non-profits and have even had cameo appearances from Premier Horgan and Health Minister Adrian Dix.

Bain, CHEK’s long-time weather host, and King, CHEK’s Sports Director, have utilized their natural humour and chemistry to provide a much-needed boost in morale on Vancouver Island.

“People here have just embraced it. they’ve embraced the stories, they’ve embraced the people we’ve highlighted,” said Fee.

“It really was captured and picked up by Ed Bain and Jeff King and Kevin Charach and Vee Cooper and Cole Sorenson and this whole team of people who’ve really brought it together, and the station couldn’t be more proud of the success of The Upside.”

As long as the pandemic continues, we can still count on our boys to bring us a smile, and really show us the upside.

To enter the 100th episode contest, email theupside [at]

Kevin CharachKevin Charach

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