CHEK Upside: Cobble Hill mother raising money for Glenora Farm by walking 440 km

CHEK Upside: Cobble Hill mother raising money for Glenora Farm by walking 440 km
WatchJean Zucht will tackle 440 kilometres of walking over 40 days to raise money for the Glenora Farm in Duncan in honour of her special needs son's birthday.
Jean, walking with her son Christopher down their Cobble Hill Street

Jean Zucht is preparing to set off on the physical test of a lifetime.

The 74-year-old Cobble Hill resident is set to walk 10 kilometres a day for 40 days in order to raise funds for the Glenora Farm, which allows adults with developmental disabilities live, work and learn together with their caregivers.

Zucht’s son Christopher is special needs, and is on the cusp of his 40th birthday. While they thought about having a party, COVID-19 quickly put a stop to their plans, but gave birth to a new idea.

The goal is to raise $4,400 which represents the 440 kilometres that Jean will walk, all going to the Glenora Farm, which has become near and dear to the Zucht’s hearts.

“It’s just perfect for Christopher. You know they look after him, they understand his needs and they fulfill him in a way in the sense of feeling that he’s contributing in some way and the sense of community, he’s with people that love and care for him,” says Jean from her home.

Christopher has lived on the farm for the past 11 years, and enjoys spending time in the kitchen as well as helping to push wheelbarrows around the garden. Glenora has provided, not only Christopher with piece of mind, but Jean as well.

“I need somewhere that I know he’s going to be loved and cared for as I would do it and that he will go on to have fulfilled life but with people who love him and care for him. He’s safe and feeling that he belongs there, and I have that with Glenora Farm, which I’m really really thankful for,” Jean says.

The walks will start on July 15 and will end on Christopher’s birthday on August 23. To donate you can head over to Jean’s GoFundMe page.

READ MORE: CHEK Upside: Firefighters set to embark on round the clock walk for children’s charity

Cole SorensonCole Sorenson

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