CHEK Upside: Campbell River Facebook Group providing scrub caps for doctors, nurses

CHEK Upside: Campbell River Facebook Group providing scrub caps for doctors, nurses
WatchLouise Spencer has organized a nationwide scrub cap making community from her home in Campbell River.

Louise Spencer’s Facebook group Scrub Caps Canada started as a creative way to give back but quickly turned into something much bigger.

Spencer went from making a handful of scrub caps to sending hundreds around Canada, to places like Alert Bay, Calgary and Montreal. Yet mass-producing the items was never in Louise’s plan.

“I became accidental friends with a nurse on Facebook. I was just planning to make them for her and a few of her friends and my niece that works in the hospital in Campbell River. So that’s kind of where it started and here we are, now I’m making them by the hundreds,” Spencer said.

Spencer and her fellow hat makers follow simple online patterns, and through donations, the cost of supplies is covered. The caps are delivered for free.

“As I started making the hats for the nurses. The nurses started to donate money for me to go out and buy more, and now I’ve been supplementing that with donations from the public. We’d kind of like to take on a little bit more but financially we just can’t do it,”

The strain of making the caps with a small group of workers has led to Louise assigning teams of fellow volunteers in cities around the country. What she finds the most rewarding is seeing the group’s creations put to use.

“What we love to see the most is pictures of the hospital employees wearing the hats.  Because then it shows that it’s on a real person and that they’re protecting the patients, they’re protecting themselves, and so that’s what the rewarding part is to see them on real heads out there in the community,” Spencer said.

If you want to donate your time or supplies, feel free to reach out through the Facebook group Scrub Caps Canada.

Cole SorensonCole Sorenson

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