CHEK Upside: Brentwood Bay business starts plastic free fundraiser

CHEK Upside: Brentwood Bay business starts plastic free fundraiser
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At Bicycle Pizza, they’re all about new ideas.

“That’s kind of the small business nature anyways is just keep dancing and keep hustling and find something that works,” says owner Andrew Johnson.

The takeaway and frozen pizza company is approaching one year in business and over that year Andrew Johnson and his team have used their fair share of plastic packaging.

“Packaging is really tricky and it’s not just us that struggles with it,” says Johnson.

“There doesn’t seem to be a lot of good solutions that are readily available for businesses.”

That led Johnson on a quest to find a compostable solution to his plastic problems.

“We sourced out a company in Australia actually that makes eucalyptus-based plastics that are certified to be at home compostable,” says Johnson.

“That’s the important part so you can put it in your green bin at home when you’re done with it and it eliminates the need to throw all that plastic packaging away.”

Bicycle Pizza has since launched a Crowdfund campaign to garner the funds necessary to help make the switch to compostable bags.

“Essentially we’re pre-selling our product for delivery in June of next year,” says Johnson.

“So people are hopefully choosing to support us now….and that allows us to buy the equipment and the packaging and then deliver the goods.”

It’s an initiative that’s been well received so far.

“People want to do the right thing, people recognize that there’s a need out there to make positive changes,” says Johnson.

“It’s not like it’s going to put any more money in my bank account, It just seems to be the right thing to do.”

Cole SorensonCole Sorenson

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