Central Saanich road rage incident caught on camera

Central Saanich road rage incident caught on camera

WATCH: A driver says his car was damaged after being attacked by a cyclist in an apparent act of road rage. April Lawrence has more.

A video posted to Facebook Tuesday night appears to show a car and bicycle bump into each other at a Central Saanich intersection and then, as the driver films, the cyclist goes on the attack.

Does anyone know him?!!! He just went syco on my brothers car.please share

Posted by Chris Mutrie on Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Steve Bengal was behind the wheel.

“He drops his bike, starts jumping on my car, kicking my door, kicking my quarter panel, kicks my mirror off,” Bengal said.

Bengal’s car is now at the auto body shop and he estimates there is about $5,000 in damage. He said he was driving down Oldfield Road Tuesday around 5 p.m. when he slowed down behind a cyclist until he could pull around him.

“Without any indication, nothing, he pulls in front of me, so I give my horn a little toot and kind of yelled out my window a hand signal or something is in order,” he said.

Bengal said the cyclist then started yelling profanity at him. According to Bengal, he was able to pass the cyclist. When Begnal got to the intersection, he pulled out his phone.

“If something is going to happen, who knows what someone is capable of, I wanted to record it,” Bengal said.

When the video ends, the cyclist takes off on his bike.

Bengal called 911 and tried to follow him but eventually lost the cyclist down a path.

As Bengal was heading to a meeting location to talk to police, he said he came across the cyclist again on Maber Road.

He says there was another confrontation and alleges the cyclist kicked the driver’s side mirror off his car before taking off.

Police have now identified the cyclist, a Central Saanich resident known to police.

“He’s likely going to be arrestable for the mischief, for the damage to the car, but investigators would like to speak with him to get his version of events to see what happened,” said Central Saanich Police Cpl. Dan Cottingham.

Steve Bengal acknowledges there are two sides to every story and while he’s convinced he did nothing wrong, he wants to hear the other side.

“Let’s resolve this, and if I did you wrong, I’m a man, I’ll apologize for anything I’ve done, if I deserve a ticket I will take my ticket happily,” he said.

Regardless of what happened before, police say the cyclist will still be responsible for the actions caught on camera.

April LawrenceApril Lawrence

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