Central Saanich man accused of blasting car stereo pleads guilty to mischief

Central Saanich man accused of blasting car stereo pleads guilty to mischief

Dustin Hamilton was charged with mischief after police received complaints about his car stereo.

A Central Saanich man accused of terrorizing his neighbourhood with his car stereo was sentenced Tuesday morning.

Dustin Hamilton pled guilty to mischief during a hearing Tuesday morning. The charge came after close to 20 neighbours complained to police about the excessive noise from his vehicle’s stereo, which he had built for competitions.

Hamilton was sentenced to two years probation with a conditional discharge, which means he will not have a criminal record.

The defence argued Hamilton was on prescribed corticosteroids for a medical condition last year which made him antagonistic but has since changed his medication.

Hamilton says he had been prescribed prednisone for ankylosing spondylitis, an autoimmune disease that attacks the body’s joints.

Prednisone is a therapeutic corticosteroid.

The judge read from multiple-victim impact statements highlighting his stereo vibration’s physical impact on pets, children and a neighbour with PTSD.

She told Hamilton that she was glad to see him now taking responsibility for his actions but said it was “like he was poking his neighbours in the eye” every time he drove past their homes blasting music. She also said it’s sad he has become so hated in the community where he grew up.

WATCH: Dustin Hamilton was charged with mischief after police say his loud music lead to dozens of complaints over several months.

Hamilton is still banned from using his stereo in Central Saanich and cannot drive on a stretch of a local road. He will have to complete 15 hours in community service.

With files from the CBC


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