Central Middle School students sleep outdoors to learn more about homelessness

Central Middle School students sleep outdoors to learn more about homelessness

The project is called “Homeless in Victoria” and on Tuesday night, students from Victoria’s Central Middle School prepared to learn perhaps the most difficult lesson.

Nine students gathered outside the school with sleeping bags and pieces of cardboard as they prepared to spend the night outside.

Steady rain and temperatures hovering around the 5 C mark guaranteed this wasn’t going to be an easy night.

“Just catching a glimpse of how they experience life I think is pretty interesting,” said student Jack Hogg.

Central Middle School is across the street from My Place, a transitional home run by Our Place Society.

In 2016, the class started a relationship with the shelter, serving up food for people there and the students decided to go a step further.

“It was the kids, we were doing something on the porch and someone said hey lets we should sleep out so it just went from there,” said teacher Alan Barwin.

So now a very different life lesson awaits, one the students will document on social media

Wake-up is expected to be around 6 a.m. Wednesday.


Ben O'HaraBen O'Hara

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